News with a human touch | DW's international conference: Global Media Forum. | DW | 07.04.2014
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News with a human touch

Pressenza is an international press agency that aims to raise “global awareness of humanist values.” The organization has partnered with the 2014 Global Media Forum to host a workshop on social media’s role in society.

Pressenza press agency broadcasts news and developments that promote peace, nonviolence, humanism and non-discrimination. At this year’s conference in Bonn it will hold a workshop entitled “Big media vs. social media in the global, nonviolent and humanist revolution.”

“More and more people are concerned about the growing influence of banks on economic systems and government policy,” says Pressenza director, Pía Figueroa. “Despite whistleblowers, information continues to be monitored to keep people within their comfort zones of reality TV, celebrity shows and football broadcasts. Meanwhile, trouble is brewing all over the world. Social change is marching forward. This is where social media enter the picture – because they’re the first port of call for people harboring discontent around the world.”

Pressenza works in teams with decentralized editorial desks. Headquartered in Milan, the agency has bureaus in London, Paris, Rome, Berlin, New York, Madrid, Buenos Aires, São Paulo, Santiago and Hong Kong. With such a broad base, the organization is able to respond globally whenever and wherever human rights violations come to light, says director Figueroa.

Her goal is to raise “global awareness of humanist values​​” and Figueroa sees the Global Media Forum as an ideal platform for her media organization. “We expect to meet many people who – in spite of all the current challenges – believe in the possibility of a global, nonviolent and humanity-driven transformation – a change that prioritizes social, political, cultural and personal aspects of life in equal amounts.”