Multidisciplinary research and reporting on information control | DW's international conference: Global Media Forum. | DW | 10.04.2014
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Multidisciplinary research and reporting on information control

Monday, June 30, 2014, 2.00 p.m., Room C

Hosted by: ASL19

The variety and popularity of different platforms and mobile applications for fast and real-time communication and exchange of information are growing. Governments now find it much harder to control the flow of information and find themselves on the periphery rather than at the center of information production and distribution. As methods of online communications and content production evolve, so do the methods enacted to control them. Governments, such as Iran’s, are moving towards more nuanced methods of controlling information online, for example through network monitoring, Internet speed fluctuations, information control policies and legislation.

This panel of researchers will discuss how mixed methods and multidisciplinary research can shed light on these subtle forms of information control. Measuring their impact can help to create transparency and hold governments accountable.

The session will appeal to those working in the fields of activism, policy, academia, technology, and data-monitoring. The workshop aims to create an interdisciplinary discussion regarding the nature of “Just-in-Time” and nuanced Internet control. It will bring together researchers who use technical quantification and political analysis to determine the use of information control and its impact, and explore how journalists can work with such individuals to create more transparency, accountability and awareness.


Ahmad, Shahzad
Country Director, Bytes for All, Pakistan

Anderson, Collin
Independent Researcher on Censorship, United States

Bangi, Ali
Director, ASL19, Canada

Kathuria, Karl
VP Commercial Management, Psiphon Inc., Canada


O`Brien, Danny
International Director, Electronic Frontier Foundation, United States