Global Sustainability Goals - The Way Forward in Shaping Transformation Towards a More Equitable, Just and Sustainable World? | DW Global Media Forum | DW | 21.03.2013
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Global Sustainability Goals - The Way Forward in Shaping Transformation Towards a More Equitable, Just and Sustainable World?

Monday, 17 June 2013, 4:00 p.m., Room D

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Hosted by Global Policy Forum Europe, Terre des Hommes and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung

The present framework of international development goals centering on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the strategies based on them do not provide adequate answers to the global problems, be they global warming or the growing gap between rich and poor. The debate on a ‘Post-2015 Agenda’, as well as the agreement by governments at the Rio+20 Conference to start an intergovernmental process of formulating Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), now offer the opportunity to readdress holistic concepts of prosperity and progress in society. What might an integrated system of Global Sustainability Goals look like? What are the principles and normative foundations of a Post-2015 Agenda? What lessons can be learned from the MDG experience? How could Global Sustainability Goals be embedded in a rights-based approach to development and a system of fair burden-sharing? And what accountability mechanisms must be put in place?
This workshop will present and discuss the findings of the Civil Society Reflection Group on Global Development Perspectives and its proposal for a Framework of Universal Sustainability Goals as Part of a Post-2015 Agenda. The workshop will be moderated by Jens Martens, the director of Global Policy Forum Europe.


Martens, Jens
Director, Global Policy Forum


Adams, Barbara
Senior Policy Advisor, Global Policy Forum, New York, United States

Sacher, Danuta
Chair of the Executive Board, terre des hommes

Schillinger, Hubert
Coordinator, Dialogue on Globalization Program, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung

Complete session on soundcloud:

WS18 - Global Sustainability Goals - The Way Forward in Shaping Transformation Towards