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German Chancellor and head of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) Angela Merkel (L) talks with Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble before a joint parliamentary faction meeting of the CDU and its sister party, Christian Social Union (CSU) to discuss a Cyprus bailout plan in Berlin, March 22, 2013. The euro zone stands ready to help bail out Cyprus but the burden must be shared by its banks, otherwise the island's economy will collapse under its public debt, Germany's Finance Minister told a Greek newspaper on Friday. REUTERS/Thomas Peter (GERMANY - Tags: POLITICS)
图像来源: Reuters


有关对一揽子拯救计划的争议,联邦德国总理默克尔强调说,重债国塞浦路斯不应过分挑战欧元区伙伴国的耐性。据知情者透露,默克尔周五(3月22日)在联邦议院联盟党党团会议上表示,不能听任尼科西亚试探由欧盟、欧洲央行和国际货币基金组织构成的三驾马车的底线。她批评说,塞浦路斯方面多日来未同三驾马车沟通过。会议的参加者还透露,基民盟籍的联邦财政部长朔伊布勒强调,塞浦路斯不能要求三驾马车同意“一切照旧”。联盟党议会党团主席考德尔(Volker Kauder)拒绝塞浦路斯提出的一项方案,根据该方案,在退休基金上的存款将以租赁的方式被用作拯救计划所要求的自有份额。另据报道,自民党籍的德国外长韦斯特韦勒今天在德国电视一台上明确表示,对塞浦路斯局势“深感忧虑”。