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希腊必须继续等待下一步的援助。欧元区财长在经过漫漫长夜的唇枪舌剑后,仍无法统一意见。德国之声经济部的Henrik Böhme认为,现在到了亮出底牌的时刻。

epa03479477 International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Christine Lagarde arrives at the Euro Group finance ministers council at the EU headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, 20 November 2012. Eurozone finance ministers late Tuesday downplayed expectations that they would be able to strike a definite deal on Greece's bailout, as they gathered in Brussels for a meeting expected to release a new aid tranche. A major issue to be settled is how to bridge a 32.6-billion-euro (41.7-billion-dollar) gap in Greece's bailout, which was created after the ministers last week agreed to give the country two extra years to nurse its finances back to health. EPA/OLIVIER HOSLET
图像来源: picture-alliance/dpa





European Central Bank (ECB) President Mario Draghi (L-R), European Economic and Monetary Affairs Commissioner Olli Rehn, Greece's Finance Minister Yannis Stournaras and Finland's Finance Minister Jutta Urpilainen talk together at a Eurogroup meeting in Brussels November 20, 2012. Euro zone finance ministers are likely to approve the next tranche of loans to Greece on Tuesday although the money is unlikely to be disbursed before December and a deal on debt reduction may need further talks. REUTERS/Yves Herman (BELGIUM - Tags: POLITICS BUSINESS)
欧元区财长会晤图像来源: Reuters


Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel und Bundesfinanzminister Wolfgang Schäuble ( beide CDU) unterhalten sich am 20.11.2012 im Bundestag in Berlin. Die Parlamentarier beraten über den Haushalt 2013 mit den Themen Finanzen, Bundesrechnungshof und Fiskalvertrag. Foto: Wolfgang Kumm/dpa
亮底牌,说真相图像来源: picture-alliance/dpa

作者:Henrik Böhme 编译:苗子

责编: 石涛