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ARCHIV: Ein Radpanzer vom Typ Boxer faehrt in der Naehe des Lagers der Internationalen Schutztruppe ISAF in Masar-i-Scharif (Afghanistan) (Foto vom 03.07.12). Saudi-Arabien bekundet erneut Interesse an deutschen Ruestungsguetern. Nach "Spiegel"-Informationen hat das Koenigreich in Deutschland offiziell wegen des Kaufs von mehreren Hundert Radpanzern des Modells "Boxer" fuer die Koenigliche Garde angefragt. (zu dapd-Text) Foto: Hannibal Hanschke/Pool/dapd.
图像来源: dapd


国际驻阿援助部队北部地区指挥官、联邦国防军少将普费弗(Erich Pfeffer)表示,过去18个月,德国执行使命的地区安全局势明显好转。德国联邦议会的国防军事务专员柯尼希思豪斯(Hellmut Königshaus)认为,这一积极发展的原因之一是联邦国防军的装备明显改善。他说:"士兵受到的危险降低,是因为我们不再用敞篷的露营车把他们送进山区,而是装配数量充足的装甲车。在防护装备上,我们的确达到了盟国中较高的水平。"


TO GO WITH Afghanistan-unrest-police-by Joris Fioriti In this photograph taken on December 18, 2012, Afghan Local Police (ALP) personnel jump from their vehicle as they train and practice retention techniques during a basic police training course in Goshta district of Nangarhar province. The Afghan Local Police, branded by some critics as an incompetent Taliban-linked militia, is one of the many security challenges facing the country as international troops withdraw. Only founded in 2010, the ALP is tasked with community-level policing to suppress violence in some of Afghanistan's most dangerous and remote areas, and despite its many opponents it has had some success. AFP PHOTO/SHAH Marai (Photo credit should read SHAH MARAI/AFP/Getty Images)
阿富汗当地警察在训练图像来源: SHAH MARAI/AFP/Getty Images



来源:德新社  编译:苗子
