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A woman casts her vote at a polling station in Piacenza, February 24, 2013. Italians began voting on Sunday in one of the most closely watched elections in years, with markets nervous about whether it can produce a strong government to pull Italy out of recession and help resolve the euro zone debt crisis. REUTERS/Paolo Bona (ITALY - Tags: POLITICS ELECTIONS)
圖片來源: Reuters

(德國之聲中文網)計票結果在深夜時分才揭曉。這次選舉可能讓義大利陷入無法組閣執政的僵局。貝爾薩尼(Pier Luigi Bersani)領導的中左聯盟在議會下院以微弱優勢取勝。該黨獲得了29.5%的選票,僅領先對手124000張選票。按照義大利選舉法,得票最多的中左聯盟由此可獲得下院的絕對多數席位。

Democratic Party's Pier Luigi Bersani, the favourite to become Italy's prime minister after the general election, casts his ballot in a polling station on February 24, 2013 in Piacenza. Italians fed up with austerity went to the polls on Sunday in elections where the centre-left is the favourite, as Europe held its breath for signs of fresh instability in the eurozone's third economy. AFP PHOTO / ALBERTO LINGRIA (Photo credit should read ALBERTO LINGRIA/AFP/Getty Images)
貝爾薩尼的中左聯盟只贏得了下院圖片來源: Alberto Lingria/AFP/Getty Images

然而在參議院,形勢仍不明朗。中左聯盟和前總理貝盧斯科尼的中右聯盟均未能獲得多數。要在由各地區代表組成的參議院佔據多數,需擁有158個議席。此次選舉中,相當關鍵的一部份選票投給了喜劇演員格裡洛(Beppe Grillo)組建的抗議性黨派"五星運動黨",該黨獲得了25%的高得票率,因此阻止了左右兩大陣營在參議院獲得絕對多數。


中左聯盟中的民主黨副主席萊塔(Enrico Letta)表示:"選舉結果使得參議院內無法形成多數。這種情況在義大利還沒有出現過。因此'責任'這個我們一直強調的概念現在顯得尤其關鍵。馬上重新選舉在我看來並不是一條正確的道路。"


Italian former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi casts his ballot at a polling station on February 24, 2013 in Milan. Italians fed up with austerity went to the polls on Sunday in elections where the centre-left is the favourite, as Europe held its breath for signs of fresh instability in the eurozone's third economy. AFP PHOTO / OLIVIER MORIN (Photo credit should read OLIVIER MORIN,OLIVIER MORIN/AFP/Getty Images)
貝盧斯科尼捲土重來圖片來源: Olivier Morin/AFP/Getty Images


蒙蒂落敗 "五星"成贏家

出現如此僵局的原因之一是現任總理蒙蒂(Mario Monti)的中間黨派聯盟的得票率僅為9%,在參議院僅獲得18個議席。因此無論是同右派還是左派結盟,都無法達到多數。但蒙蒂對取得的結果表示滿意,因為中間黨派在今年1月初才結成競選聯盟,在"短短50天時間裡,就贏得了320萬選民的支持"。



The head of the populist Five Star Movement, comedian Beppe Grillo, whose has been winning votes among those critical of Monti's austerity policy, addresses supporters during an electoral rally on February 12, 2013 in Bergamo, northern Italy. Comedian-turned-politician Beppe Grillo is candidate to the general elections on February 24-25. AFP PHOTO / GIUSEPPE CACACE (Photo credit should read GIUSEPPE CACACE/AFP/Getty Images)
前諧星格裡洛圖片來源: Giuseppe Cacace/AFP/Getty Images


作者:Stefan Troendle 編譯:葉宣
