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epa03128125 An undated handout photograph made available by the Local Coordination Committees (LCC) in Syria on 01 March 2012, shows Homs activist Omar Tellawi standing near a tank that was taken by the Free Syrian Army (FSA) with inscription reading in Arabic 'Freedom and nothing else', in Homs, Syria. According to media sources, the head of the opposition Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Rami Abdel Rahman, on 01 March warned that government troops may commit 'more massacres' in the rebel province of Homs. EPA/LOCAL COORDINATION COMMITTEES LCC / HANDOUT BEST QUALITY AVAILABLE. EPA IS USING AN IMAGE FORM AN ALTERNATIVE SOURCE, THEREFORE EPA COULD NOT CONFIRM THE EXACT DATE AND SOURCE OF THE IMAGE HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
敘利亞軍隊坦克圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa

