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In this Saturday, Sept. 7, 2013 photo, people argue with Indian policemen during curfew hours following riots and clashes between two communities in Muzaffarnagar, in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. Hundreds of troops have been deployed to quell deadly riots and clashes between Hindus and Muslims sparked by the killing of three villagers who had objected when a young woman was being harassed in northern India. Nine people were killed, including an Indian broadcast journalist and a police photographer, when the two groups set upon each other with guns and knives in Kawal village, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, police said Sunday. (AP Photo) pixel
Indien Armee Gewalt in Uttar Pradesh 07.09.2013圖片來源: picture alliance/AP Photo

印度北部穆扎法爾納格爾地區(Muzaffarnagar)的穆斯林和印度教徒發生衝突,至少導致23人喪生,40多人受傷。當局稱,至少向北方邦(Uttar Pradesh)的這一地區派出了數百名士兵並實行戒嚴。此次衝突起因是8月底三名男子被打死的事件。據媒體報導,他們當時是為保護一名婦女不受騷擾。人口有2億人的北方邦是印度人口最多的邦,穆斯林約佔13%。新德里政府稱,該地區印度教徒和穆斯林的衝突今年又有增加。2012年當地發生了410起衝突,今年頭8個月已經發生451衝突。