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Word of the Week: Rabauke

Hanna Grimm / adJuly 14, 2016

Do you know any rascals? Then this German word could come in handy.

Child in a pirate costume hanging from a tree, Copyright: Fotolia/kids.4pictures
Image: Fotolia/kids.4pictures

A Rabauke puts the entire neighborhood at risk. Nobody can stop them - not even their parents. No tree is too high, and no puddle too deep. Whenever a Rabauke is on the loose, there's something brewing.

A Rabauke is a particularly rambunctious child or teen. The kid's parents try their best, shouting things like, "Hey Rabauke, don't shred your pants again at the playground!" or "All the kids in the neigborhood are scared of you!"

The word came into use in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century. It stems from the old French word ribaud, meaning rascal or villain. The German language has a male and female version for words referring to people, but for Rabauke, only a male version exists. Why is that?!