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Learn a funny, quirky German word each week with DW's Word of the Week feature. This week: Schwarzfahren.

Image: AP
There aren't any turnstiles in German subway stations. Anybody and their dog (no exaggeration) can get on and off the underground at any time. Many passengers have a monthly pass or an employer-subsidized "Job Ticket" in their wallets. Others buy a ticket at a machine in a station and stamp it when they start their journey. There are always a few, however, who dare to get on without any ticket at all. These unscrupulous risk-takers "ride black" - "schwarzfahren" as the Germans say. While German subways don't have turnstiles, they do have ticket inspectors who randomly roam the trains in search of free-riding "Schwarzfahrer." Those who are caught are slapped with a hefty fine that makes the price of a ticket seem meager.
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