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Learn a funny, quirky German word each week with DW's Word of the Week feature. This week: Remmidemmi.

Your parents are at the tennis tournament/ You're throwing a party, how nice of you/ Impulsive people know no limits!/ Chuck the furniture out the window, we need room to dance!" Those are the opening lyrics to the Hamburg hip-hop group Deichkind's 2008 dance-floor hit "Remmidemmi (yippi yippi yeah)." The song is about a group of rowdy kids crashing a rich friend's quiet party and making a good deal of "Remmidemmi," which translates to "ruckus" or "racket." The word is believed to have late 19th- or early 20th-century origins and is of debatable etymology, though it may be distantly related to the name of the Muslim fasting month Ramadan, which concludes in festive celebration.
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