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Meet the Guinea-Conakry team

Julia Hahn / soMarch 21, 2013

Gerlind Vollmer and Bob Barry travelled to Kindia for DW. Bob originally comes from Guinea and Gerlind has often filmed in Africa but had not visited Guinea Conakry before. What impressed them most?

Gerlind Vollmer filming in Guinea.
Image: DW/B. Barry

Gerlind Vollmer (pictured above):

"I was mostly impressed by the housing facilities at the mining site. The mining engineers live there completely independently. They have functioning electricity and even a pharmacy of their own. I also found it interesting to learn that they are in contact with their parent company in Russia several times a day, and to see how the engineers easily switch from French into their mother tongue and then to Russian."

Bob Barry in Guinea. Photo: Gerlind Vollmer
Reporter Bob Barry in GuineaImage: DW/G. Vollmer

Bob Barry:

"I was positively surprised that the open-pit mine in Debele hardly has any negative effects on the environment. The main river in the area had clear water and appeared relatively clean. It was also interesting that there were no Russian engineers at the mine. Guineans are in charge of operations."