Independent voices or mouthpieces of the rulers? The role and impact of state and public broadcasters in transformation and conflict | DW Global Media Forum | DW | 26.03.2015
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Independent voices or mouthpieces of the rulers? The role and impact of state and public broadcasters in transformation and conflict

Hosted by DW Akademie
Monday, June 22 / Room D

Regardless of their journalistic performance, state-controlled and public broadcasters are the main sources of information for most domestic audiences in nations around the world. Consequently, their role in shaping public perceptions of national and foreign policy remains highly relevant. The predominant view in Western societies is that public service broadcasting must be independent from state influence. But what impact does state media coverage of conflict and transformation have on domestic audiences? State-run media cover foreign policy issues from both domestic and foreign perspectives. To some extent they are instruments of governmental propaganda and their impact in forming public perceptions of foreign opinions and positions is key. Media development of state-controlled media therefore has to revise its approaches: Should state media be instrumentalized, ignored or transformed? DW Akademie recently published a study on the potential for transformation of state-owned broadcasters. The panel will discuss the study’s findings and compare them with the experiences made by media leaders from state-run broadcasters in conflict zones and transition countries.