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Learn a funny, quirky German word each week with DW's Word of the Week feature. This week: Hausdrache.

Image: picture-alliance/ dpa

Having a pet around the house is a wonderful thing. Sitting in front of the fire with a purring cat upon your lap, having a loyal dog guarding the house and family, or watching a goldfish swim around its bowl for hours on end. Having a Hausdrache (lit: house dragon) in the household is quite a different matter! A Drache is a mythical beast which spits fire, battles knights in shining armour, and steals beautiful princesses. A Hausdrache is equally unpleasant and describes a domineering housewife. "Take your shoes off, I just cleaned the floor," "don’t talk with your mouth full," "go and tidy your room," she shouts angrily. But perhaps inside every Hausdrache there is a beautiful princess just waiting to be rescued from cleaning and cooking?

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