Akter, Mahfuza | DW Global Media Forum | DW | 06.06.2013
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Akter, Mahfuza

Infolady at Dnet, Gaibandha, Bangladesh

GMF Foto GMF Foto Akte Mahfuza Beschreibung: Referentin GMF Foto Akte Mahfuza auf dem Global Media Forum 2013 Format: Sonderformat 244x330 Bildrechte: Verwertungsrechte im Kontext des Global Media Forums 2013 eingeräumt.

Mahfuza Akter was born in Gaibandha district in northern Bangladesh as the sixth of seven children. She received her school diploma through a distance education course from Bangladesh Open University. She then attended Fulchari Degree College in Gaibandha. Since 2010 she has participated in various Dnet training courses. Dnet is a social enterprise that created the "Infolady" initiative, a network of rural Bangladeshi women who ride on bicycles from village to village to distribute information. Akter is one of them, providing education and support to the members of her wider community. Via netbook and mobile phone she can access a network of experts to respond to villagers' questions about agriculture, health and other concerns.

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