Valdés, Mónica | DW Global Media Forum | DW | 04.04.2012
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Valdés, Mónica

Trainer Director, World Association of Community Broadcasters Latin America and the Caribbean (AMARC), Colombia

Bild: 7_Foto_Mónica Valdés_RN_244x330.jpg Titel: GMF12 Foto Mónica Valdés Schlagworte: Global Media Forum 2012, Speaker7 Beschreibung: Speaker Mónica Valdés auf dem Global Media Forum 2012 Format: Sonderformat 244x330 Bildrechte: Mónica Valdés, Verwertungsrechte im Kontext des Global Media Forums 2012 eingeräumt.

Mónica Valdés is a Colombian journalist and anthropologist. She is currently the Trainer Director with the World Association of Community Broadcasters (AMARC) Latin America and the Caribbean. She is an experienced media producer and researcher, whose areas of interest include educational, creative and social application of information and communication technologies social and citizen participation; health and social change communication; human rights and public policy. Production credits include radio and TV series: Victims Tell (Las víctimas cuentan), Seeking the truth (Procurando la verdad), Childhood without Camouflage (Niñez sin camuflaje), Rights Available (Derechos al alcance); a sixteen-documentary series: 80 Moths of Adventure by the Binational Program of Frontiers Development in Honduras and Salvador.

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