Schirrmacher, Prof. Christine | DW Global Media Forum | DW | 04.04.2012
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Schirrmacher, Prof. Christine

Scholar of Islam, University of Bonn, Germany

Bild: 06_Foto_Prof. Dr. Christine Schirrmacher_MB_244x330.jpg Titel: GMF12 Foto Prof. Dr. Christine Schirrmacher Schlagworte: Global Media Forum 2012, Speaker6 Beschreibung: Speaker Prof. Dr. Christine Schirrmacher auf dem Global Media Forum 2012 Format: Sonderformat 244x330 Bildrechte: Prof. Dr. Christine Schirrmacher, Verwertungsrechte im Kontext des Global Media Forums 2012 eingeräumt.

Christine Schirrmacher holds an M. A. and a PhD in Islamic Studies from the University of Bonn, where she is presently researching Islamist movements in the media. She is also professor of Islamic Studies at the Evangelisch-Theologische Faculteit (ETF) in Leuven, Belgium. She regularly lectures on Islam and security issues at government security policy institutions in Germany, teaches at the Academy of Foreign Affairs in Berlin and is a consultant to various advisory bodies of society and politics. She is director of the International Institute of Islamic Studies (IIIS) of the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA), and its German counterpart, the Institute of Islamic Studies (Institut für Islamfragen).

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