Kids Online Worldwide? The Digital Divide of Children’s Access to Media in Developing and Developed Countries | DW Global Media Forum | DW | 02.03.2012
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Kids Online Worldwide? The Digital Divide of Children’s Access to Media in Developing and Developed Countries

Computerunterricht in der dritten Welt [ (c),Erwin Wodicka,Siedlerzeile 3,A4062 Thening,Tel.+43 676 5103 678. Verwendung nur gegen HONORAR, BELEG, URHEBERVERMERK und den AGBs auf ] in an am um im einer beim and einem mit / 3. Welt 3.Welt dritte Welt Arm Armut Gesellschaft Menschen Humanität Humanitaet Humanitärer Humanitaerer NGO Hilfe Organisation Entwicklungsländer Entwicklungslaender Entwicklungshilfe Computertechnologien Computertechnologie Computer Technik EDV PC Elektronik Elektronic Zukunftsweisende Zukunftsweisender e-Mail eMail Mail Mails e-Mails eMails e-commerce ecommerce e commerce e mails Mailen e-banking e banking ebanking Homebanking Telebanking e-shopping eshopping Datenverarbeitungen Datenverarbeitung Internetanschluss ISDN Internettechnologien Internet Technologie Technologien Online

25 June, 4:00 p.m., Annex
Hosted by
DW Akademie

In Germany, 90% of 12-year-olds own a mobile phone. TV is available in nearly all households in developed countries; Internet is available to 36% of German children aged 6 and up.

Half of the world’s population is under twenty-five and 85% of them live in developing countries. Access to the Internet and mobile phones is growing fast in developing countries, while access to media (apart from radio) still remains weak for most of these populations.

This panel will deal with key questions such as: How does a fast-changing media landscape affect children’s lives in developing countries? Which media will the children of today in developing countries be using in the future? How will they use this media? How can media development support adapt accordingly?

This event is part of a series of panels and workshops hosted by DW Akademie. The series of events will highlight the potential impact of media, culture and education on media development cooperation, DW Akademie's core activity, from various perspectives. The series of panels and workshops aims to contribute to the improvement of professional media education and international media support strategies in light of demographic challenges and a fast-changing media environment.


Bratic, Vladimir
Assistant Professor, Media and Communication, Hollins University, United States

de Bastion, Geraldine
Project Manager, newthinking communications, Berlin, Germany

Marks, Jonathan
Director, Critical Distance, Huizen, Netherlands

Weigand, Florian
Regional Coordinator for Afghanistan and Pakistan, DW Akademie, Bonn, Germany

Winkler, Mathis
Head of Europe and Central Asia Division, DW Akademie, Bonn, Germany