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DW Akademie supports media reforms in Libya

Berthold Stevens/hwDecember 23, 2013

Libya is undergoing change in its media sector, aimed at restructuring former state media as free and independent outlets. The EU Commission has asked DW Akademie to support the reform process.

Libyen Reform Staatsmedien
"Al Shababiya", radio station in TripolisImage: DW/M. Hilbert

More than 6,000 employees currently work for Libya's state media, formerly the mouthpiece of the former dictator Muammar Gadaffi. Since his ousting the media sector has seen extensive change. The EU Commission has now asked DW Akademie to support Libyan media makers in this process.

The long-term project "Media in Libya - Stability through Structure" follows successful DW Akademie projects that began in summer 2011. All have focused on supporting the media in the post-Gadaffi era, with funding from Germany's Federal Foreign Office and the EU. In addition to providing intensive basic and advanced training for Libyan journalists the focus will be on designing and applying an institutional framework for a public broadcasting system.

"Independent media and professionally trained journalists play a central role in processes of democratization. We will be actively supporting Libyan institutions as they undergo reforms and continue providing professional training for journalists there," says DW Director General Peter Limbourg, pointing out that DW Akademie is supporting similar restructuring processes in Tunisia and Myanmar and the Libyan project is further proof of trust in DW Akademie's expertise.

Non-state media will also be included in the project and responsible ministries will be supported in creating a media regulatory body. The project aims to strengthen journalists' trade unions and publishers' associations as well as establish a press council and introduce Libyan press passes.

Libyan universities will also be involved and assist in developing and carrying out independent research on general media usage in the country. The aim here is to professionally assess media consumption among the Libyan population.