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Learn a funny, quirky German word each week with DW's Word of the Week feature. This week: Christkind.

Image: dapd

Christmas is such a big holiday in Germany that it can be tough to keep all of the traditions straight. That's true when it comes to gift giving - and there are three different figures to keep in mind: the Christkind, St. Nicholas and Santa Claus. Of course, Santa Claus isn't traditionally a part of the German Christmas, but these days you can expect to see pictures and figurines of Santa everywhere. The kids don't expect presents from him on Christmas, though; that's left to the Christkind, who is often depicted as an angelic young woman with curly blond hair. But she's not the only one who slips in to bring kids gifts. On December 6 - the holiday celebrating St. Nicholas - tradition has it that he also brings treats and presents for well-behaved young ones. It sounds like there are plenty of gifts to go around!