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Learn a funny, quirky German word each week with DW's Word of the Week feature. This week: Amtsmuedigkeit.

Image: AP
Some people may be wondering what happened to typical German virtues like endurance, sense of duty and reliability? At least in political life, they're hard to come by. Instead, a number of Germany's politicians are "out of office" - for good. "Amtsmuedigkeit" - growing tired of your duties - seems to be a new trend, considering all the resignations that have been submitted in the last few weeks and months: most recently, Hamburg's State Premier Ole von Beust. Former German President Horst Koehler and former Defense Minister Franz-Josef Jung also recently threw in the towel. And "Amtsmuedigkeit" seems to be contagious, spreading beyond the political sphere. Theo Zwanziger (pictured), president of the German Football Association, is apparently also considering checking out.