罗茜诉司法部门能否成“六四”第一讼? | 德国之声 来自德国 介绍德国 | DW | 16.01.2013



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Ding Zilin, co-founder of the Tiananmen Mothers, a group representing families of those who died in the 1989 crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrations, arranges a photo of her son, Jiang Jielian, at her apartment in Beijing Wednesday June 4, 2008. Wednesday is the 19th anniversary of the military assault in which hundreds, possibly thousands, were killed as Chinese troops shot their way through the city to end weeks of protests in Tiananmen Square. Ding's 17-year-old son was killed in the assault. (AP Photo/Greg Baker)






Ding Zilin, co-founder of the Tiananmen Mothers, a group representing families of those who died in the 1989 crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrations, stands in front of a shrine to her son, Jiang Jielian, at her apartment in Beijing Wednesday June 4, 2008. Wednesday is the 19th anniversary of the military assault in which hundreds, possibly thousands, were killed as Chinese troops shot their way through the city to end weeks of protests in Tiananmen Square. (AP Photo/Greg Baker)




罗茜回顾 "六四事件"后他先后被判监半年,然后再被劳教和到海外"政治避难"的经历,但这些他从未隐瞒。他认为参加司法考试是一个合法公民的权利,且他已经获得报考资格、成绩也是经最高人民检察院和最高人民法院联合证可的,如果官方继续以政治历史为由来阻止他依法获得律考资格,这是典型的政治迫害。


***NUTZUNG NUR FÜR DIE CHINA-REDAKTION UND AB DEM 25.5.2011 4 JAHRE***** Titel: Press conference Beschreibung: There were debates on whether to stay in the Square. The Capital Joint Liaison Group a group consisting of workers, students, and intellectuals states that the students should stay on the square until May 30. A few student representatives refuse to agree to retreat. Feng Congde had scheduled a press conference. Almost all important student leaders were present. At the base of the Monument, Wuer Kaixi, Wang Dan, and Chai Ling were standing in the middle and gave speeches. A ten-point statement was announced. The press conference ended in a confused state. Der Autor des Buchs ist Feng Congde, ein Anführer der Studentenproteste während des Massakers auf dem Tiananmen 1989. Alle Bilder dürfen nur mit Zusammenhang über die Berichterstattung des Buches Die Republik auf dem Platz des Volkes – Tagebuch Mai/Juni 1989 und nur für 4 Jahre genutzt werden.





