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Residents stand on the ruins of their house amidst other destroyed houses after Super Typhoon Haiyan battered Tacloban city in central Philippines November 10, 2013. One of the most powerful storms ever recorded killed at least 10,000 people in the central Philippines province of Leyte, a senior police official said on Sunday, with coastal towns and the regional capital devastated by huge waves. Super typhoon Haiyan destroyed about 70 to 80 percent of the area in its path as it tore through the province on Friday, said chief superintendent Elmer Soria, a regional police director. REUTERS/Erik De Castro (PHILIPPINES - Tags: DISASTER ENVIRONMENT) -- eingestellt von haz
这里曾经是房屋图像来源: Reuters


据菲律宾警方的数据,"海燕"强台风在该国莱特(Leyte)省已造成至少1万人死亡,台风所到之处,留下一片狼藉。以上死亡数字是莱特省长索里亚(Elmer Soria)在同专家会晤后于周六晚宣布的。"海燕"飓风以300公里的时速横扫菲律宾,是该国迄今经历的最强台风。目前,台风正在前往越南方向,风力有所减弱。